some other conditions you may see in the nicu
These conditions are super common and may only keep your baby in the NICU an extra few days to a week, just a quick stay ♡
Babies born prematurely or too itty bitty don’t have the needed body fat to properly control their own temperature. They are unable to prevent loss of heat and are therefor placed in isolettes and incubators right after birth to help control their temperatures. When in these beds, your baby will have a tiny heart sticker in their armpit with a temperature probe warming up the bed to the necessary temperature to keep your the temperature just right (between 36.5-37.6 C). A baby can grow and develop easier when their environment maintains a stable, normal temperature.
A hernia is an area of weakness in the abdominal wall where a portion of the intestine protrudes into the umbilical or inguinal area. Premature babies are at an increased risk of hernias so they are so common in the NICU. Surgery is typically required to repair the hernia & the repair for the little one is typically quick. Post-op its important that they stay calm to allow the site to heal as crying/bearing down could cause the hernia to pop back out. If you’re able to sit at the hospital and hold them we always appreciate it!(: A hydrocele is a collection of fluid that can occur anywhere along the path of descent of the testis or ovary. Fluid typically drains from the abdomen into the scrotum causing swelling
Glucose Instability
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is usually seen in premature infants, infants born to a mom with gestational diabetes or infants who have an infection. Your nurse will take pre-prandial blood sugars throughout the period of glucose instability, this means blood sugars before each feed. Based off each blood sugar, your baby’s fluids will be titrated up if the sugar is low and down if the sugar is high – the goal is for the fluids to be off so your baby can be back with you! As long as your baby is maintaining stable sugars they can be off fluids and work toward going home.
Anemia is a type of blood disorder common in infants characterized by low red blood cells. If severe enough your baby may need a blood transfusion but typically iron supplementation does the trick!
ABO Incompatibility
A blood condition that may occur when the mother’s blood type is O and the baby’s blood type is either A or B. If the baby’s blood mixes with mom’s the baby’s may attack the red blood cells & break them down. This often causes increased jaundice as jaundice is caused by an excess amount of broken down red blood cells. Treatment will depend on severity and side effects – your baby may require fluids, an increase in feedings, phototherapy, and in severe cases, a blood transfusion.